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Special FrontierSpace Math Operators

There are several ALisp built-in operators that work with the FrontierSpace engine. These are further categorized as follows:

ALisp Boolean Operators

not    - returns the boolean opposite of its one argument
!      - alias for not
eq?    - returns whether its arguments are the same object
equal? - returns whether or not its arguments are all equal
=      - alias for equal?
!=     - equivalent of applying not to equal?
>      - returns whether its arguments are in strictly descending order
>=     - returns whether its arguments are in descending order
<      - returns whether its arguments are in strictly ascending order
<=     - returns whether its arguments are in ascending order
xor    - returns whether exactly one of its arguments is true; evaluates
         only enough arguments from left to right to determine its result

ALisp Miscellaneous Operators

and         - returns #f if any of its arguments is false, or its last
              argument if all of them are true; evaluates only enough
              arguments from left to right to determine its result
or          - returns #f if all of its arguments are false, or the first
              one that is true; evaluates only enough arguments from left
              to right to determine its result
apply       - applies its first argument to the list of arguments given as
              its second argument
eval        - evaluates its argument
quote       - returns its single argument unevaluated
define      - sets the global variable named by its first argument to equal
              its optional second argument or #U if not given
declare     - ensures that the global variable named by its first argument
              exists and, if it has no value, sets the value its optional
              second argument or #U if not given; does not change existing
set         - changes the value of the local variable named by its first
              argument to equal its second argument
undefine    - removes the global variable named by its single argument
lambda      - see the topic 'ALisp lambda'
macro       - see the topic 'ALisp macro'
cond        - see the topic 'ALisp cond'
let         - see the topic 'ALisp let'
let*        - see the topic 'ALisp letstar'
throw       - see the topic 'ALisp Exceptions'
catch       - see the topic 'ALisp Exceptions'
make-error  - see the topic 'ALisp Exceptions'
error-name  - see the topic 'ALisp Exceptions'
compile     - compile the closure given as its first argument, optionally
              giving the symbol passed as the second argument as the
              compiled closure's name; returns the compiled closure
disassemble - returns a list of the assembly instructions that make
              up the body of the compiled closure passed as its first

ALisp Math Operators

integer? - returns whether or not its argument is an integer
float?   - returns whether or not its argument is a floating-point number
number?  - returns whether or not its argument is any type of number
+        - returns the sum of all its arguments
-        - returns its first argument minus all its other arguments
*        - returns the product of all its arguments
/        - returns its first argument divided by all its other arguments
%        - return the remainder of dividing its first argument by its second
sqrt     - returns the square root of its argument
max      - returns the maximum of all of its arguments
min      - returns the minimum of all of its arguments
cos      - returns the cosine of its argument, given in radians
sin      - returns the sine of its argument, given in radians
tan      - returns the tangent of its argument, given in radians
acos     - returns the arccosine of its argument in radians
asin     - returns the arcsine of its argument in radians
atan     - returns the arctangent of its argument in radians

Space Informational Operators

space:name              - returns the name of the hull
space:hull-name         - returns the alias of the hull
space:coords            - returns the coordinates of the hull
space:heading           - returns the heading the hull is facing as a
                          vector of the form #(bearing mark)
space:desired-heading   - returns the desired heading in the same form that
                          space:heading uses, setting the desired heading if
                          it receives an argument that is a two-element
                          vector of numbers
space:docking-ports     - returns an associative list with keys corresponding
                          to docking port numbers and values indicating the
                          hull that is docked on each port or #f if no hull is
space:docking-door      - returns a string representing the status of the
                          docking door; one of "Open", "Closed", "Opening",
                          "Closing", or "Not Present"
space:open-door         - opens the docking door
space:close-door        - closes the docking door
space:docked            - returns #f if not docked or a pair of the form
                          (hull . port-number) indicating where the hull is
space:landed            - returns #f if not landed or the name of the hull
                          where the current hull is landed
space:linked            - returns an associative list with keys corresponding
                          to link point numbers and values indicating the
                          hull that is linked to each point or #f if no
                          hull is
space:power             - returns a vector of power availability and usage
                          from the last update:
                            #(main batt comp repair prop charge)
                          Main and batt are the main and battery power pool
                          availability, respectively; comp is the amount
                          that was used by components on the hull; repair
                          is the amount that was used for repairs; prop is
                          the amount used for propulsion; and charge is the
                          amount used to charge batteries.
space:repair-crews      - returns a list of repair crews on the ship, each
                          as a list of the form
                          (capacity efficiency men assignment)
space:accel             - return the current available acceleration in m/s^2
space:speed             - return the current speed in m/s
space:at-warp           - return #t if at warp, #f otherwise
space:warp-factor       - return the current warp factor
space:mass              - return the current total mass of the ship
space:visibility        - return the current visibility of the ship
space:transponder       - return #t if the transponder is active, #f
                          otherwise; if an argument is given, set the
                          transponder status first
space:transponder-code  - return the ship's full transponder code
space:can-land          - return #t if the hull can land; #f otherwise
space:can-launch        - return #t if the hull can launch; #f otherwise
space:hatch             - return #t if the hatch is open, #f if closed
space:open-hatch        - open the hatch
space:close-hatch       - close the hatch
space:integrity         - return a list of (current max) hull integrity
space:mount-point-flags - return a list of strings naming the flags that
                          the named mount point has set

Space Action Operators

space:undock  - causes the hull to undock, returning a boolean success value
space:launch  - causes the hull to launch along the heading given as a
                2- or 3-element vector argument
space:unlink  - causes the hull to unlink on the given numeric link point,
                returning a boolean success value
space:assign  - assigns the numeric repair crew given by its first argument
                to the mount point given by name as its second argument;
                "Hull" is a valid second argument
space:trigger - triggers all devices on the hull and all linked hulls,
                executing the callback named by its first argument with
                the rest of its arguments as arguments to the callback
                (see 'Space Devices' for more information)

Space Component Operators

space:mount-points      - returns an associative list with string keys
                          representing the names of mount points and
                          values of #f for empty mount points or of
                          type component for occupied mount points
space:get-component     - return a component object by mount point name
space:mount-point-name  - return the name of the mount point the given
                          component occupies
space:destroyed         - return #t if the component is destroyed; #f
space:disabled          - return #t if the component has been temporarily
                          disabled; #f otherwise
space:type              - returns a string representing the type of the
                          component given as its argument
space:settings          - returns a list of settings available on the
                          component given as its argument
space:get-setting       - returns a setting object from the component given
                          as the first argument, named by the second argument
space:setting-name      - returns a string representing the name of the
                          setting given as its argument
space:setting-readonly? - returns #t if the setting is read-only or #f if
                          it can be changed
space:setting-units     - returns a string naming the units in which the
                          given setting is specified
space:setting           - returns a list of the form (min max current) if
                          given one argument or a boolean success value of
                          setting the setting to its second argument if
space:commands          - returns a list of commands available on the
                          component given as its argument
space:get-command       - returns a command object from the component given
                          as the first argument, named by the second argument
space:command-name      - returns a string representing the name of the
                          command given as its argument
space:command           - activates the command given as its first
                          argument, passing any additional arguments to
                          the command and returning the result of the

Space Commodity Operators

space:get-commodity             - return a commodity object from the given
                                  commodity number
space:commodity-name            - returns the name of the commodity given
                                  as its first argument
space:commodity-unit-name       - returns the name of the unit of the
                                  commodity, in singular form if the
                                  second argument is not present, is equal
                                  to #f, or is equal to 1 and in plural
                                  form if the second argument is equal
                                  to #t or any number other than 1
space:commodity-mass            - returns the mass per unit of the
                                  commodity, in kilograms per unit
space:commodity-volume          - returns the volume per unit of the
                                  commodity, in cubic meters per unit
space:commodity-volatile?       - returns a boolean value telling whether
                                  the commodity is volatile
space:commodity-explosive-yield - returns the potential energy of the
                                  commodity if it is volatile and left
                                  uncontained, in kilojoules per unit

Space Callback Operators

alisp/frontierspace_operators.1292552787.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/23 00:30 (external edit)